Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Sonia Lynn's Braces Come Off

Here's the picture that Dad had of me that shows one of the gaps:

After 9 months, my braces finally came off today! For those who don't remember, I had two large gaps in between a few of my lower teeth, so I had braces put on the bottom teeth only. I had forgotten how large the gaps were until I saw a photo of me shortly after my mission and one of them is in plain sight. I'll try to remember to get a copy of it and post it here as the true before photo. Here are a couple of videos before and after the appointment.

1 comment:

Vern Larson said...

Thank you for setting up this blog site. I hope that eventually the entire family will be up and running on it. It is a great tool to keep posted on what is going on with one another.

Your teeth look great! It must be nice to have the braces off for good.

The video you posted of Sydney is great!

Dad and Mom