Saturday, October 11, 2008

Yummy, Yummy, I've got love in my tummy!

Garrett is a little over 5 months old and he had a taste of his first real food - rice cereal - this morning! The doctor told me at his 4 month appointment that anytime between 4 and 6 months, I could start feeding him cereal. But as you can see, he isn't starving so I decided to wait until now to get him hooked on food.

Dee fed him while I took these pictures. Max was eating oatmeal for breakfast and wanted in on the photo shoot - so here he is eating.

I also attached a picture of Max when he was about 4 months old eating rice cereal for the first time.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Splish! Splash! We were taking a bath!

I remember how much Max loved to take baths when he was a baby - he still does. Well, Garrett is no different. However, in the following video you wouldn't be able to tell - he looks so serious. Grandmama, this video is dedicated to you. P.S. We are saving Garrett's first kitchen sink bath when Grandmama comes home.

Witch's...I Mean...Girl's Night Out

Gina, Jessica and I made our traditional Autumn trip to Gardner Village for a girl's night out. They set up larger than life witches all throughout the grounds. Three of our friends joined us: Josephine, Kim and Holly. We enjoyed a night of window shopping, some real shopping, a good meal and great conversation. It was lots of fun.


Garrett will sometimes get in a laughing mood when I am changing his diaper. This time was no exception. So I ran and got Sonia's flip video but as soon as I pointed the camera at Garrett he stopped laughing and would just stare at the camera. I called Sonia to come help. She took over the "camera woman" operation while I tried to get Garrett to start laughing again. Watch the video - by the time we took this video he was laughed out and although he does laugh, we missed the real funny laughing. We also tried to get a close up of his two new teeth; he likes to stick his tongue out when you try to look at his teeth - but you can get a glimpse of the two little "pieces of rice".