Saturday, July 23, 2011

Sonia's artistic skills come into play in taking a picture of lemons and carrots.

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Some of the youth that were gathered at the river's edge to listen to Vern's talk.

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This is the Parana River. It is similar in size to the mighty Mississippi River.

The tree line you can see on the far side is Paraguay.

There were myriads of stands, like flea market stands, on one of the main streets near the river.

We were told that the items they sell are quite cheap compared to buying the same thing in Corrientes

becasue vendors cross the river from Paraguay and sell their products without having to add on the 20.1% tax.

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Youth and leaders from the Corrientes District

The youth from the district held a campout in Itati on July 22 - 23.

Elder Larson was asked to speak to the youth about pioneer stories that they had not heard before.

Your mother made a poster for a previous presentation she had made that had our family pedigree charts on it.

Vern talked to the youth about his ancestors from those charts and told of their experiences in coming to America and crossing the plains.

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Vern, Maira Isabel Sosa, Sonia, Nadia Ayelen Sosa

Sonia has befriended these young women for several months.

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Vern and Sonia with a youth from the District youth campout

July 22, 2011

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Monday, July 18, 2011

The birthday girl with her flowers.

Domingo and Barbarita brought her the flowers.

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Friday, July 15, 2011

Last Day of Swimming Lessons

Here are more videos of the boys' last swimming lesson (July 15th).

This is Max doing his forward glide.

This is Max doing his back float.

Max doing his forward swim. He says this is his favorite swim stroke.

I don't know the technical name for this stroke, but they call it Monkey, Airplane, Soldier. When they say Monkey, their arms fold in and their legs bend. When they say Airplane, their arms go straight out to the side and their legs open up. When they say Soldier, their arms come down to their side and their legs close.

This is Max practicing his back stroke. He still needs help in being held up when he does any of the back strokes.

This is another front stroke, but they are practicing their legs portion.

Practicing jumping into the pool without any help.

Here is Garrett practicing his forward glide. You can also see Blake as well. Garrett still doesn't like to put his face in the water. You can see his two teachers. One is brunette and the other is a sandy blonde wearing glasses. It seems that the one wearing the glasses is his favorite although these videos show him doing his practices with the brunette. This same brunette was one of Max's teachers as well.

Here are Garrett and Blake practicing their back glides. You can also see Sydney and Jaxson in the background with their class.

Here are Blake and Garrett practicing their front strokes.

Here are Blake and Garrett practicing their Monkey, Airplane, Soldier stroke.

Here are Blake and Garrett practicing their front float.

Here they are practicing their black float. You can see at the end how Garrett loves to stick one leg up out of the water. His teachers thought that was pretty funny.

Here they are singing The Wheels on the Bus as they practice different strokes and making bubbles in the water. Garrett sometimes does his own thing.

Here they are in the shallow end just getting used to the water and using their arms and legs.

Here they are playing fishies in the basket. They use a hoola hoop to help the kids learn to put their faces in the water as they come out from the circle. Garrett quite hasn't gotten used to that and will lift the hoola hoop high to walk under it. I am glad that the teachers are patient and don't force the kids to do things they are not ready to do.

Here is more of the fishies game.

Here are a couple of videos of Jaxson and Sydney's class.

Here is Reid hanging out while waiting for the kids to be done with their swimming lessons.

Here are Max and Garrett showing off their certificates for completing their swim lessons.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Swimming Lessons

The videos are from Max's and Garrett's swimming lessons. Since Blake is in the same class as Garrett, I was able to get him in some of the video as well.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Max at the Lindon pool - July 2, 2011