Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Max on Christmas Eve and Morning (2007)

Max opened up his Christmas Eve Pajamas and slippers. He was excited to put them on. They have little penguins that are skiing. We called Grandmama and Buddy, but of course, Max was in his typical "grumphus" mood. We finally got him to fall asleep. Here are some pictures of Max in his pajamas.

On Christmas morning, Mommy woke up Max to change his diaper. He was not happy to wake up. Even when Mommy told him that Santa Clause came he wanted to go back to sleep. But Mommy and Daddy finally convinced him to brush his teeth and come out into the living room. Mommy grabbed the video camera to videotape Max coming out of the room and to capture his expression. But as soon as he say the camera, he got grumpy and ran back into the room. He finally came out.

I think Max's Christmas theme was "autos". He got a pop-up school bus from Aunt Sonia Lynn (Sonalynn - as he calls her). He got a tricycle and a dump truck from Santa Claus along with 2 cars and a racing track from Mommy and Daddy. He got two more church books and a spongy ball - not to mention the chocolates and the orange in his stocking. View the video for the events on Christmas Eve and Morning. (We are still trying to figure out how to post the video - stay tuned.)

1 comment:

Sonia Lynn said...

You should have seen Max's expression when he opened his presents! We didn't have to show him twice how to get the wrapping paper off anything.